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March 8th, Woman’s Day

10 am
From my Office Desk

I woke up to the harmonic chirping of birds outside my window, and a vast horizon well-lit with the rose bud red glow of the rising sun in the sky a perfect invite to start my day with beauty and fragility of our natural world. Tringgggg…..buzzed my alarm and I realised it was Woman’s Day today.
I found a gust of emotions and a trigger to make it a day full of vitality and fervour.

Today, when the world celebrates Woman’s Day, I find myself reflecting on the connection of women’s empowerment and environmental sustainability. I could wear pink, flaunt my contour, post a freebird dp and change my Instagram profile, yet what came to my mind is to honor the achievements of women worldwide, and find a moment to accept my responsibility in fostering a greener, calmer and more equitable future. So, I have decided to make certain conscious choices to incorporate ecological practices into my routine today.

First thing I did was that I opted for reusable alternatives instead of going for a disposable one. A stainless steel water bottle was the first I thrust into my bag. I deliberately decided to lift a cloth tote bag for my provisions and reduce my plastic footprint atleast for today. Actions speak more than words and Every small action counts…… I made a mental note to compost my food scraps later in the day.

It’s 10 am now and I am at my workstation. I have decided to use digital documents to minimize paper waste to promote energy-efficient culture in the office. As a woman in the workforce, that too, as a team leader, I believe, it’s crucial to lead from the front and preach and practice sustainability in every aspect of my professional life. I have made sure, I won’t waste a single grain of food and as I have purposely used the cotton cloth instead of an aluminium foil to wrap my chapatis. I have vowed to follow no waste agenda. I may not be a great scientist or social worker, yet I can contribute to the efforts of grassroot activists fighting for environmental justice.

As HR Head, I have organised a virtual event to be hosted by a local women’s empowerment organization, where we will discuss the intersectionality of gender equality and environmentalism. It is welcoming to see women from diverse strata of society joining hands to address pressing environmental issues and look for sustainable solutions. In order to spread a word of our contribution in environmental sustenance, we are going to send gift hampers containing tumblers, water mugs and…?????????? .to all the women who join us.

I am sure when the twilighted sky dawn upon the city, the events that engross me both socially and environmentally will tantalise me for days to come if I celebrate today this way.

I believe Woman’s Day serves as a reminder of our collective power and duty, especially as a woman who inculcate the respect for the planet to her children, family and workforce. She can be the torch bearer. ‘Pink’ may associate with women but ‘Green’ she can spread around with her little efforts and make a more sustainable world.

I find my steps moving with vitality and an impetus that will elevate my spirit today. I, right now, buried in my chair during tea-break, getting ready to welcome a brighter, calmer and cheerful day ahead!!!

With hope and determination,
An Inspired Woman ♀️

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